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Introduction to the Art

Growing up in the city of philadelphia which is also known as "The City​ Of Brotherly Love", the statement brotherly love falls short of truth, there is alot of crime being committed and taking place every hour, with women being raped and kids being abused and even men with no hope becoming victims of their own destruction. So the style Muniz Shiroi-Shishi-Ryu took the part of teaching our students how to defend themselves against muggers, people approaching them, or a group of individuals ganging up on them. Not only teaching Martial Arts but also teaching the Chrisitian Faith on a Spiritual Base to give Hope to the weak, the hurt and even the strong that there is Hope in Jesus Christ. 


Muniz Shiroi-Shishi-Ryu is a hard and soft art that consists of the aggression and accuracy of Karate, the smooth and swiftness of Kung-Fu, the sharpness and powerfulness of Tae Kwon-Do and the hard fast takedowns of Hap ki do and Ju jutsu, Plus more.

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